"He died at 10:15 pm earlier in the RSPP," relatives said Zainuddin, KH Mahdi when contacted VIVAnews.com. According to Mahdi, Zainuddin hospitalized since yesterday. "Go to last night after returning from out of town," he said.
Zainuddin, had been knocked unconscious before being taken to hospital. "Until the family home immediately bring to the RSPP because of fainting," said Mahdi. According to him, Zainuddin suffering from several diseases. "He, his blood sugar illness relapse, go up. His heart is also a relapse," he said.Zainuddin Muhammad Zein so his full name was born in Jakarta on March 2, 1951. He completed all his school in Jakarta and completing undergraduate at the University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. He received a doctorate honoris causa from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Zainudin MZ meninggal dunia, Lectures religion demand a lot of people. Good to hear straight talk on every event, as well as radio and television. Success with that religious speech, Zainuddin called propagators million people.Later he tried another fortune on political lines. Sign the United Development Party (PPP). He became the party's campaigners. The style and appeal to many people a choice he said. Together with the king of dangdut Rhoma Irama, Zainuddin around the area. The results are quite satisfactory.
The party was then engaged friction, Zainuddin joined PPP Reform gaining strength, which later transformed into the Reform Star Party. He even had time to become chairman of the party. Later friction occurs when there is a change of chairman. Zainuddin excused himself from politics and returned to give religious lectures.
Zainuddin's involvement in politics, not apart from the influence of Kyai Haji Idham. Zainudin MZ meninggal dunia, Zainuddin long learning at the seminary's Idham Khalid who was one of PPP's deklarator.