Adly fairuz the sexy male actor

Posted by Anonymous

photo coolection of adly fairuz

adly fairuz sing on the stage with group band music

adly fairuz cute like businesman on the drama

adly fairuz the guy/male sexy model

Adly Fairuz enter the world of entertainment started when he lead his brother to sinetron's casting, Aldy also participate and fortunatelly he pass and can join to participate. First debut Adly Fairuz on entertainment on FTV sinetron Teman Sahabat Cinta. Popularity Adly Fairuz increase when act in Cinta Fitri sinetron play with Shireen Sungkar and Teuku Wisnu.

Adly Fairuz "si cowok tampan" has been playing music since he was young. With her friends, he founded a band. His ability to play music has been proven with champion in reality show Supermama Selebconcert with his mother, Mama Lutfiah. He sing two songs in the ost Coblos Cinta, the song is Let It Flow. Adly Fairuz also be an image ambassador of Dadung products and Indosat, he become a model several products advertisement.