KHOLIDI ASADIL ALAM (AZZAM) aktor film ketika cinta bertasbih

Posted by Anonymous

Kholidi Asadil alam, start in the world that demands expertise in this time berakting selected portray azzam in Movies ketika cinta Bertasbih. kholidi asadil alam the familiar disapa ODI this time is suggested by a friend, a painter bulungan to participate in the audition held Sinemart. According to the painter, azzam role is very similar to himself. ODI also respond to serious suggestions of friends and direct the site When I exalt himself, and then register to participate in audition. After the audition he did, the result is not futile. He succeeded in getting the role azzam. "Alhamdulillah finally I can get azzam role, I do not suppose, but I did not want to maintain the character kepedean because azzam is the weight, in addition to her perfect man, azzam also be expected are very many people, so I have to guard the heart," he said.